Friday, 28 August 2015

Phantom of the Opera, Her Majesty's Theatre ***

This is the second time I have seen Phantom after seeing it in it's 25th year. It was startling going back a second time to see quite how tired this production has become. It has quickly dated with Maria Björnson's design that belongs in 1986 more than it does 2015 whilst the magic from Paul Daniels hardly shocks when there are far better gimmicks on the stage than the final scene of Phantom. Saying this however, it has to be said that the music is wonderful and brought a smile to my face as soon as the Fleetwood Mac plagiarism started. Lloyd Webber's score is what keeps this show from being pulled and it has real power. With a new production, I think his show could be given a new lease of life yet feels chained down by a production that is older than me. Harriet Jones replaces Sierra Boggess as my favourite Christine, having a naivety and purity which is beautiful to listen too. Gerónimo Rauch is an impressive Phantom and, apart from being unable to get the bottom A flat in Music of the Night, has a good range and is proficiently scary yet sympathetic. Liam Tame has a harsh sound as Raoul which at times is quite annoying. The rest of the cast are a talented bunch who are a joy to watch but the longevity of any show for that length of time does it a disservice and I feel it, like the operas it pokes fun at in Il Muto, needs to be taken down before it becomes further past it's sell by date.

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